Friday, 11 October 2013

Using email

How to use emails for constant IT users.

Step 1 – First step to using email is create an account that will be connected to the internet. Go to any email program that suits you, to do that go to the browser and type in search engine for example or whatever you feel like you want to use it doesn’t really matter. Those two are most email programs that are used by people. So, go to one of the webpages and register there, look for option called ''sign up'' it is completely free and anyone can do it. Then you will have to complete registration form that includes your personal information like your name, age, home address or even post code.

Step 2 – Alright, now you got your brand new account you will need to make contacts with other people by taking their emails and typing it in the search box as well as adding them to your ‘’contact list’’ for easier use. All emails have section with ‘’contacts’’, find one and click on it, start typing email addresses that you may know. It will become much easier if you save your contacts because next time you will try to message them you won’t need to type email because it is going to be saved.

Step 3 – Now if anytime you log out of your account and you will need to access it again you will need to sign back in. To log back in you just find where it says ''sign in'' you click on that option and it will require you to type an email and a password that you created earlier. Once you get in click on ''inbox'' and from there you can view your new emails that people send you or you can send an email to someone else.

Step  4 – I am also going to explain how to write an email to the others in case you don't know. Any email once you get inside got option of ''compose mail'' or sometimes ''write an email'' click on that no matter which one you have and it will create a new link that will transfer you to the email page where you can write your mail. Let's cover basic email options: first to write an email to someone you have to add a recipient in ''To'' box, there you need to fill your receivers email. Second option you can fill is ''CC'', it is used to create multiple recipients and in the last box you can add a topic of your email and after that type text make sure information you entered was correct and then click on ''send''.  

Step 5 – If you get a reply from a person you wrote email to, then you can find that mail in the ''inbox'' section of your email page you can find there any emails you receive and can view them by clicking on them. If you want to send the same copy of an email you received to someone else there is an option of ''forward'' the mail that means you going to send the same email you received to another person. After that click on ''send'' to finish your email.

Step 6 – You can also see sections of ''spam'' and ''trash'' near the ''inbox'' section, some emails can be saved in the spam section by the accident so don't forget to check that sometimes and also if you receiving multiple emails you don't want you can ''mark as spam'' them, that means you basically block a person from sending you emails you still receive them but you don't have to worry about it because they are all saved in spam. ''Trash'' folder is when you delete any email they are kept in trash folder until you completely delete them.

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